

People have a certain connection with their favourite radio station; an intimate and personal affiliation in which trust has been built and using this trust to your advantage is a great way to be able to talk directly to your audience and have them listen.

As with other advertising channels, strategic and smart targeting is key to getting the most out of radio advertising, which is why partnering with an experienced agency such as BBJ&K can help. We work tirelessly to identify your audience, find out what stations they are listening to, and at what time they do so. That way we can strategically place you in earshot of your audience to raise brand awareness as well as generate leads and sales.

Get in touch

Whether it is a jingle or a live reading, using our planning tools and innate knowledge across all platforms we are here as the experts to help steer your campaign to success.

Why Should I Consider Radio Advertising?

Radio advertising offers a strong proposition to reach over 36 million listeners weekly through commercial radio (radiocentre) with unskippable and unblockable advertising messages. No matter whether your campaign is to build awareness of your brand, launch a product, drive traffic to your website or direct customers into your store, radio is a cost effective way of getting your message heard.

Thanks to the highly granular targeting available with Radio Advertising, looking at the station-type, geography and multiple other demographic elements, this can prove to be a very strong channel to reach your audience in volume on specific days and times of the week. Delivering audiences consistently throughout the day, radio offers opportunities where other mediums might be limited and can really bolster other channels with the added level of brand trust that radio delivers. 

Radio advertising is already a more highly emotive medium than some, with listeners actively choosing their station and show and often having loyalty to this. By showcasing your campaign alongside this trusted outlet, consumers already have an emotional connection which reflects positively into how your advert is perceived. 

There is also the option, like with TV advertising, to consider sponsorship of a particular segment on a selected station. These can be massively popular with listeners so, through our audience research and understanding, we would be able to identify where there might be a perfect opportunity to get your advert to an even higher portion of your target audience.

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